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Special Announcement

Special Announcement

Dear (F)friends,

I am delighted to share the news that Phillip Raines has accepted the call to become the next pastor at Deep River Friends Meeting! He will officially begin July 1st, and we look forward with hope and optimism to this new season in our meeting.

I’d like to thank the members of the Search Committee who worked tirelessly to find the right pastor to take us into the future. And a special thanks to the Personnel Committee for pulling together a more comprehensive job description that better suits our unique needs. Thanks to everyone who’s been involved.

Deep River has a rich history of continuous worship on that same beautiful hill for nearly 269 years. As we begin a new season under Phillip’s guidance and spiritual care, let’s join with him to bring more and more people into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and to glorify His name. May God continue to richly bless Deep River Friends Meeting.

In His Grip,
Alice Carroll
Clerk, Ministry and Counsel