Would you like to get involved at Deep River Friends Meeting? Are you looking for a place to call home? Whatever you’re looking for, we have opportunities for you to get involved. Learn more about our ministry opportunities below.
If you’d like to know more about these opportunities, please contact the church office.
Quaker Men
Quaker Men meet the third Sunday of each month except during the summer. Quaker men hold an annual Fall BBQ the second weekend in October. Quaker Men is often called upon to help in other projects around the meeting. Some of our men have been on Friends Disaster Relief trips to help families who have had damage from a disaster such as a hurricane, fire or tornado.
Quaker Men hold a morning prayer group that meets at Tom’s Place (1524 N Main St, High Point NC, 27262) Wednesdays at 7 a.m.
Quaker Women
The Quaker Women’s group meets monthly on the first Thursday at 7:00 p.m. Quaker Women are affiliated with the United Society of Friends Women, International whose purpose is to invite and unite all Friends women in Christian fellowship and service, and to share in the mission of the church both locally and globally. Deep River’s Quaker Women support an active card ministry to shut ins and missionaries; sponsor camperships for children of the meeting wanting to attend Quaker Lake Camp; contribute financially to the annual budget of USFWI, as well as to service projects of the Meeting. To support their budget they hold an annual chicken pie bake sale and/or an online auction of baked goods. All women attenders of Deep River Meeting are considered members of Quaker Women and are welcome to enjoy the fellowship of their sisters in Christ.
Student Ministries
Student Ministries at Deep River Friends Meeting includes opportunities for nursery, elementary, middle and high school-aged and college students. We have our Deep River Elementary Age Ministry (DREAM), Deep River Young People (DRYP) and College Age Deep River Experience (CADRE). Our prayer and plan are that, while these are three distinct groups in our meeting, that they will each feel connected to each other and the larger meeting and find their place in the Deep River Family. We worship, serve, play and pray together in our various groups and as a whole.
Music & Choir
The choir has resumed their rehearsals and have begun to present selections for the Meeting for Worship. Along with some other changes to our format, our rehearsal time has changed. The choir rehearses every Sunday at 9:30 a.m.
The choir often sings for special music during Meeting for Worship. They also provide special concerts and programs during special times of the year such as Christmas and Easter. Please contact Mark Kirkman for more information about Music & Choir.
Deep River is involved in a number of outreach experiences. The first Saturday of each month, we serve lunch at the Open Door Homeless Shelter in High Point, NC. The second Tuesday of each month, a meal is provided for Leslie’s House, a women’s homeless shelter in High Point. Many of our members/attenders are also involved in outreach experiences such as Special Olympics, Relay for Life, and Habitat for Humanity. Our Missions and Outreach Committee sponsors experiences as well as many of them simply being announced through newsletter and worship.