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I prayed for this

Prayed for 3 times.

Alice Carroll

One of our employees, Kymani Black, was killed in the head-on crash early Saturday morning on 85 outside of Lexington. We have been pushed beyond our limits with the corona virus trying to keep our residents and staff safe. The continuing injustice in our country and subsequent protests have tested but strengthened the Quaker values we cherish and we've sought out ways to confirm our genuine love and respect for each other. But to add this tragedy on top of everything else has caused a deep sadness that has pushed our festering grief to the surface. Please pray for the staff of Friends Homes, especially the rec therapy department in Whittier. Kymani was well-loved by everyone. She helped facilitate Susie's first visit with Mommy in months after we went on lock-down. She was a sweet, sweet spirit who was born for this type of work. She cannot be replaced and is going to be severely missed. Please pray for her family and for her Friends Homes family.

Received: June 8, 2020

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